Hi guys! I'm new to this site, and it's a place for me to dump all my papercrafts off of my computer and my OneDrive so I can free up more space... For papercrafts! And games. But here y'all are! I'm setting up everything I need to on Mediafire so you guys can check it out. I'll either do one post with all folders in it, or many posts with one folder per post. Unless I do over 2000 posts and put up every papercraft I have, individually. That'd be a pain, but it'd help you guys out infinitely more, because then there'd be the specifics on the papercraft. Dimensions, what I made, what the program said it'd be like, whether it's colored or not, how to color it, how to harden it (papier mache, etc.), and stuff of the like. So... yeah. This is my blog!
Live long and prosper, defeat the Cylons, come to the Dark side, Allons-y!, and other geeky stuff. Because I'm me.
Oh! I also have a bunch of songs in my OneDrive, so you guys can go listen to mah jams while you're papercrafting! I'll share those in separate posts, and try to put it in another section of this site.
Thanks for all!