Friday 7 August 2015

MY MARIO STASH (with a special!)

So I announced to most of my friends that I have a website. Only one noticed. Well, only one told me that she saw it. Says it's cute. So I officially make this post a shoutout to a friend of mine. She is the bestest best friend I have, and I'm proud to have you as a friend! You've been someone I can talk to, and you've helped me in so many ways. I don't know how I can repay you! Thanks for being my friend, thanks for being awesome, thanks for being someone I can trust, thanks for being... You! I dedicate this post entirely to this amazing person, Stephany! You'll always be a good person to me.


Anyway, with that said, I'll continue. These are all from Mario video games across the years. Have fun with 'em!
  • The Banana peel from Mario Kart: Double Dash
  • Blooper the squid from Super Mario Sunshine
  • The legendary satanic accursed death of many MK players, the ever-hated Blue Shell!
  • Bookend (a book that eats you)
  • Boomerang Flower
  • Boomerang Mario
  • Bowser
  • Bowser's Helicopter
  • Bullet bill
  • A warp pipe that you can hang from your ceiling
  • Chain Chomp
  • A coin
  • Cowboy Toad
  • Donkey Kong
  • Donkey Kong's house
  • Enguarde the swordfish (do you realize the irony of that name?)
  • Fruit from Super Mario Sunshine
  • Ice Flower
  •  Something I called InvisiBoo. It's a Boo that, if you look at it from a certain angle, blends in with its background
  • King Boo's Crown
  • A Koopa Troopa
  • Luigi's Hat
  • Magikoopa
  • Mama Penguin
  • A Paper Mario automata. Push on the red lever and poof! Be gone, Goomba! Physics, engineering and papercrafts unite to create this wonder!
  • A simple Mario statue
  • Mario's hat
  • Mario from Mario Party 1
  • Peach's Castle
  • Reindeer Yoshi
  • The ! panel from Super Mario 64
  • The Beta Key from SM64. Believed by many to be an Easter egg, you can catch brief glimpses of it inside King Boo inside the Boo dimension after entering it from Peach Castle's courtyard.
  • The blue coin block from SM64
  • The Cannon from SM64 (wahoo!)
  • Dorrie the Plesiosaur from SM64
  • A Fly Guy from SM64 (like a Shy Guy, but with a beanie copter on his head)
  • The Flying Boatship from SM64
  • A shark from... You guessed it.
  • A diorama from Super Mario World
  • A Goomba from Super Smash Bros. Brawl (super-high details, really wonderful)
  • Mario from SSBB (same)
  • Luigi from SSBB
  • Peach from SSBB
  • Yoshi from Brawl
  • And others; too lazy to actually do shit today. -_-"
These are mostly really hard to do, and I recommend you build only what you see fit to your abilities.

Well, you stayed here for a reason, and this is it!

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