Tuesday 15 November 2016

I'm back!

Hello all! I hope the new format I'm working on is clear! :)

I have three new folders on Gavitex:

1) The 'special stuff'  -  This will be used by me, so nothing interesting is gonna be in here. I'll only use this for when I need to show someone something so I'll just give them the link to the folder and there it'll be.

2) ---The weaponry---  I had a folder like this on my OneDrive which I didn't use often, but I'llt ry and load this one up with what a weaponry would contain - guns, swords, bombs, etc. Anything that would be considered a 'weapon' will be in there. Have fun :)

3) Unsorted  -  This is a mess. This is where all the new uploads go. The unedited, unclean. You're welcome to go diving in this folder for new stuff, I won't stop you, but it won't be tidy, prim and pristine as most/all the ones in folders are. I'll work on this folder if/when I get a good computer, which hopefully is soon.

I may/may not be on frequently, so have fun with all this! :D

Friday 28 October 2016

Hey again!

I got most of the MediaFire stuff up on Gavitex, so don't use the MediaFire links unless they're not on Gavitex.
That's all for now, really, and I'm kinda working - on and off - on cleaning up the papercrafts and whatnot, making sure they take up the least amount of space as possible.
A thing I realized I forgot to add is the download links to 7Zip and Pepakura stuff. So... here they are!

Pepakura - click on the big DOWNLOAD

7Zip -  download whichever version your computer supports.

Thursday 6 October 2016

A little update...

I've gotten to uploading a bunch of stuff up on Gavitex, but I haven't paid much heed to the tidiness of the names so there might be a few underscores. I'll hopefully get to that soon.
I'm working mostly on Gavitex, and what I have on MediaFire will go on my school storage, then up in the Gavitex. I'm hoping to reserve the MediaFire storage for whatever music I manage to get, although I haven't focused much on finding soundtracks anymore. If there are any requests, the comment section is all yours! :)

Note: There may be some things in the Gavitex folders I may have to edit, and if you find any, let me know and I'll gladly fix 'em :)

Edit: I'm moving all the papercrafts from MediaFire to Gavitex, so the links in past posts are gonna be down until Thursday at the latest. Sorry, but it must be done.

Monday 26 September 2016


Plot twist: The links in the previous post don't work, so I dunno what to do.

My papercrafts on MediaFire

My music on MediaFire

My papercrafts on Gavitex

Those had better work, and if they do, at least then you have 7GB of papercrafts and music, which is a lot :)

One more thing, I have a USB stick with almost 4GB of papercrafts on it, and I'll try and make it available to you all somehow.

(Listening to this)

Friday 23 September 2016


So 11th grade has started, and I've been busy with Warframe and a bunch more stuff, so I don't really have the time to take care of this blog. NO, this isn't a co-admin announcement, although it would be fantastic if someone could maybe help this blog flourish into something magnificent. I'll try doing something with this by the end of the month, which is a lot to say because the only way MediaFire could work fast and efficiently is if MediaFire had a desktop shortcut like Onedrive does. Otherwise, it's slow progress. I'll just give you guys the links to all I have online currently.

My OneDrive

My Gavitex

My MediaFire

These are mostly empty cuz it's all on my laptop (which is essentially discontinued now cuz it's so bad) and I still need to upload the properly. My MediaFire has stuff I've sorted through, though, and the reason my OneDrive is empty is cuz back in July, its storage downscaled from 15GB to 5GB. I had to get rid of stuff, i.e. move it all to my laptop cuz it's basically empty. Enjoy what you have!

Thursday 12 May 2016


Hey guys!

I know I haven't been on at all, but that's cuz exams are coming along and I've been studying real hard.


Just kidding, I've been on my ass playing Warframe for the past month XD

So yeah. I'm gravitating away from MediaFire and I'm giving Gavitex a try, cuz they have 25 GB of space. Just to let you know!

Also, I haven't been on OneDrive, like, at all. I'll try my best to get this site up and running again, and if you guys notice anything weird with the site (dead links, etc.), just comment it and I'll get on it. Once again, thanks to anyone who uses this site!

Editor's Note: I've found a few more video game soundtracks to listen to while you're crafting, but I don't want all that taking up space, so if I manage to get all my papercrafts on Gavitex and songs on MediaFire, that'll be a lot easier on you and I. I may include a few more abstract music mixes so it suits more people :)